* for the notes/facts about Russian Theatre/Culture of the last decade of the 20th century go to RAT I, or rat0.1, as they like to mark it now.
... anatoly's another scrapbook. ... Here is about the new century and new millennium, ru0.2 ! Yes, I travelled to Russia again. On personal matters. To burry my father and sell my Moscow appartment. Should I write about it, too? Maybe in Winter Fool, in Russian.
Russian-American Theatre Project II [ru] new 2007 rat.ru Студенческий обмен с Россией был недолгим (1992-4), с тех пор продолжаю собирать "тексты" по русскому театру. По-английски -- на сервере Фильм-Север... а тут по-русски? Зачем? Это я плохо понимаю. Тем более, на русском! ... Anatoly A. ... 2008
* new -- Russian Drama XXI